The Most Important Things to Include in Your On-Hold Messages

17 February , 2022 by Rashida Saeed

Being put on hold is not a good feeling. However, we all have been through it many times. Businesses have to put their customers on hold because they have no other option. 

They receive hundreds of calls every minute, and it is impossible to answer every call immediately. Therefore, one of the main concerns for every business is how to engage their customers during the hold time. This is where the power of on-hold messages comes in!

According to on-hold messages service providers in UAE, customers do not hang up if you provide them with a relevant message. Not all on-hold messages are successful at their jobs; some do not have the desired impact, while others frustrate the customers even more. 

So, what makes on-hold messages effective? Creating a script for on-hold messages in UAE is not as simple as it sounds. There are numerous factors to consider before you finalize a message. 

Begin with the analysis of your audience profile. People listen to you willingly if you talk according to their needs and preferences. Plus, the content of on-hold messages differs from industry to industry, so you need to be aware of your industry’s practices. 

Moreover, you have to make decisions like: how long should the message be, what kind of music to use, what equipment works the best, etc. Therefore, it’s best to take help from professionals. An on-hold messages service provider will save your time and effort while providing you with the best results.

Things to Include In On-Hold Messages 

  • Greeting

Who wouldn’t love to be greeted warmly? A message that begins with some nice, welcoming words will definitely make your customers happy. Such words personalize your interaction, making the callers more receptive to further information. You can use the usual tone of your business or decide how formal or informal you want the message to be. Start with something like, “Hey, glad to hear from you.” A simple hello works fine too. 

  • Introduction

The customers obviously know where they have called. Sometimes, people end up calling the wrong place and don’t even realize it, wasting their time on hold. Therefore, you should always introduce yourself briefly in the beginning. An introduction from your side assures customers that they have called the right place. Plus, it reinforces your brand’s name in their minds.

Remember to keep it short and simple; customers wouldn’t want to listen to a full paragraph about you. For better results, on-hold messages service providers in UAE recommend using your tagline. You can say something like, “You are connected with ABC Company, the perfect solution to your IT needs.”  

  • Current Position of the Call

Most customers don’t mind waiting if they know what’s going on. Tell them an estimate of how long they have to wait. Let them know what they should expect to happen next. Being mentally prepared to wait for a given amount of time makes them stay on the line calmly. Add a message that says something similar, “you can talk to our representative within the next 7 to 10 minutes.”

  • Clear & Concise Answers to FAQs

This is an essential part of on-hold messages.

You receive numerous queries of the same nature every day. Use that record and list down the most frequently asked questions by the customers. Add clear and concise answers to those queries in your on-hold message. This will help both sides. Your customers will get their answers without having to wait while you and you will free up your lines quickly. 

Isn’t it one of the best ways to speed up the communication process and improve customer experience? Some frequently asked questions by customers are regarding your business hours, shipping details, locations, and refund policies.

  • Exciting Offers

Do you have any exclusive offers going on? Are any of your products on sale currently? Are you introducing a new service? If you have any exciting news, mention it in your on-hold messages UAE to grab customer attention. 

Although you won’t have enough time to cover the details, just a brief introduction is enough to bring those offers into their knowledge.  For example, you can say, “Do you know all our products are 50% off until the next month?” or “Enjoy Christmas with our grand sale of the year.”

However, remember not to overwhelm your customers with too much information. They might get frustrated listening to something they are not interested in. Instead, you can mention the resource where the interested customers can find out more details about your offer.

  • Alternative Contact Information

People have different preferences when it comes to modes of communication. For customers who don’t feel comfortable on calls, mention how else they can get in touch with you. Tell them about your website, social media accounts, and application. Including this information will increase your customer engagement on the mentioned platforms by leaps and bounds.

  • Appreciation 

Presenting your customers with information in on-hold messages is not enough. You need to thank them for the time they spent on hold. Let them know that you value your customers and their time. Appreciating customers for their patience and time results in increased goodwill of your business. You can say thank you like, “Thank you for staying with us on the line. We appreciate your patience.”

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Ending Note

Telephone hold messages are a key factor in customer retention. A poor message makes customers hang up instantly. Some don’t even bother to call again. You can look at the examples of on-hold messages UAE for inspiration. Otherwise, you can always contact Studio52 – Media Production Company for help in creating on-hold messages that generate the desired response. Just make sure you put together a clear and concise message for your customers by any means.