Market your construction via Timelapse Progress Videos | Construction Timelapse Monitoring System

31 March , 2022 by Rashida Saeed
Market your construction via timelapse progress videos

Your construction company prides itself on innovative and unique building design. That’s why it is important to show your potential clients that your services exceed those of the competition. A construction timelapse camera video can not only demonstrate your company’s ability to create spectacular building achievements but also show how effective and efficient your team is at getting the job done. 

According to Time magazine, the average attention span is now 8 seconds. This means videos have to grab a viewer’s attention faster and hook them to ensure they watch until the end. Timelapse progress videos allow you to show an entire project in moments and engage your audience in a timely and efficient way, making it a dynamic and easy to share marketing tool. 

Timelapse videos also allow remote or offsite workers to see the progress of a construction project without having to visit the site. This is an effective tool for project managers and investors who need to know the status of their project 24/7. 

Keep reading to learn how you can utilize timelapse videography to market and grow your business. 

What is a construction timelapse video?

Most major construction companies utilize timelapse video techniques to track the progress of projects. The videos begin from the moment the first shovel is put in the ground and end with final clean up. The timelapse camera runs on a schedule making sure to capture the entire construction process. 

The footage is then taken and used to create timelapse videos that reflect the various stages of construction. These videos make a stunning marketing tool that can be used on your company website and social media. To help boost your presence on Google, videos can be broken down into specific segments to allow for multiple video uploads, generating a broader traffic stream to your business and improving SEO performance. 

It also creates marketing opportunities with partners who will share your video to highlight their success too, increasing traffic to your website and increasing your market reach. 

TimeLapse Video Benefits

The success of platforms like YouTube and TikTok have shown that the best way to reach potential customers is through video. Video has the power to drive business to your website and other social media platforms. 

Timelapse videos also benefit companies in other ways such as:

Public Relations Value- By creating content that can easily be shared among other platforms and with media outlets, you are taking the work out of telling your store for stakeholders. Timelapse videos help build a presence for your business and create new opportunities to interact with potential clients, giving them a visual representation of your company’s expertise and professionalism. It also allows you to create content without having to spend a large budget on advertising and marketing campaigns. 

Gain New Business- Timelapse videos let potential clients see what your company can do for them. According to Hubspot, 86% of video marketers say video has generated leads. Additionally, 81% of marketers feel that video has a direct impact on sales. While 94% of marketers believe videos have increased user understanding of their services. A timelapse video becomes a visual representation of client testimonials and case studies that take recommendations off the page and put it on the screen. 

Content Creation- Any marketing team will tell you that you need diverse marketing content to maximize customer engagement. Timelapse videos create multi-level marketing opportunities, by allowing creators to customize the footage to specific content tools. This is a major component in increasing SEO ranking with video content becoming one of the major drivers in digital marketing. Simply put, pages without videos will rank lower than pages with video content.

Industry and community engagement- A construction project creates unique community challenges such as noise pollution, dust and traffic disruption. These inconveniences will have benefits in the long run. That’s why a timelapse video makes a great community engagement tool to demonstrate the positive impact your project will have on the community over time. Unlike walkthrough videos which capture a limited amount of time, a timelapse video captures the entire construction process from start to finish. 

Not only are you building bridges within the community for future building projects, but are also doing so for industry partners who will feel confident working with your team again in the future. Letting your stakeholders see how they have been a part of community building will create new opportunities for future partnerships. 

Team Engagement- Your sales team could be spread out across the world. A timelapse video creates a marketing tool they can use to tell your story anywhere in the world. A polished timelapse video is an effective presentation tool allowing potential clients to see your achievements and address any concerns they may have about timelines or logistics. Your sales team can answer questions on the spot with visual evidence to back up your company’s achievements. 

Ongoing Client Engagement- The recent pandemic has made video communication even more important. Timelapse videos allow you to keep your clients up to date on construction project progress. Provide your clients with timelapse videos of particular elements of your project as well as an overview of the entire construction site’s progress. This results-focused approach to client information will build trust and open communication lines.

Pivoting To The Times- According to Forbes magazine, consumer video usage has climbed by 96% during the pandemic. This means it is critical to have video content that is engaging to break through the clutter of other visual content on the internet from your competitors. A timelapse video that is on brand and provides viewers with the information they need and lets them know that your company is getting the job done no matter what unpredictable events may occur. 

Also Read- Why Construction Site Monitoring is Important

Construction Timelapse Camera


When To Use A TimeLapse Video?

Construction site timelapse videos are the perfect way to showcase how a construction project comes together. But what areas of your project should you focus on? Here are a few suggestions on elements of your construction project that could be featured in a timelapse video:

  • Overall project: Set up a camera on a crane and let it capture the entire construction project.
  • Room construction: Highlight particular areas of a building such as important rooms or spaces to demonstrate how they were constructed.
  • Building features: Does the project you are building include pools, fountains, parking garages or other large scale features? Set up a timelapse camera to showcase how these project elements were constructed.
  • Roofs: Large scale projects such as malls, stadiums or civic buildings often have roof features that are just as impressive as the rest of the building. Use a timelapse camera to capture how the roof was formed and built. 

Construction Timelapse Camera

How To Do A TimeLapse Video

Are you ready to begin creating your timelapse video? Construction sites present a host of unique visual opportunities that allow you to create impressive and engaging videos. During the planning stages there are several elements to keep in mind to ensure you are creating professional looking content. 

Location: Set up cameras in areas that are going to provide the best angles for views. Multi-camera setups will allow you to capture your entire project as well as focus on particular areas of construction. 

Equipment: Professional camera equipment is key to creating a stunning timelapse video. In addition to your video camera, you may also need drones and traditional cameras to capture specific areas of construction.

Production: Timelapse videos production require a schedule similar to corporate or safety videos. You will need a script, production team and audio visual services to get the highest quality timelapse video.

Voice Over: Having a voice over can help add dimension and perspective to your timelapse video. The voice over may describe what is happening in the video or simply provide information about your company. 

Animation and Visuals: A timelapse video used for marketing purposes should include an intro and outro which reflects your brand. 

Editing: Once you have completed filming of your timelapse video, it’s time to hit the editing room. This is a chance to bring the footage you have collected over many months and create the final product. 

Next Steps

More clients today prefer to watch timelapse videos to get a better understand of how a construction company works, rather than sit through lengthy presentations. A timelapse video is the perfect marketing solution that allows existing and potential clients to gain insight into how your company completes a project. 

Discover how a timelapse can enhance your marketing reach. Studio 52 can create a video that reflects how you do business, allowing you to present clients with a powerful visual tool that demonstrates your construction company’s expertise. We offer effective timelapse video solutions that are on-brand and customized to your specific project’s needs. Contact us today to learn more. 

Construction Timelapse Camera


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Market your construction via Timelapse Progress Videos | Construction Timelapse Monitoring System

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