What your business is missing without training videos

03 November , 2019 by Rashida Saeed

In this highly competitive world, a strong employee training and development programme is going to set you apart in your industry. If you can develop your new employees from potential to talent, your business will grow at a faster rate. Training and development aren’t just useful for hiring the right people, it’s useful for retaining them too.

Learning through video is a widely-accepted e-learning trend. What makes it relevant now and soon a staple of learning, is it’s shorter, crispier and engaging nature, changing the way your association members learn.

Giving your team training videos is one of the most effective ways to develop, both in terms of cost and engagement. In this article, we’re going to look at 4 reasons why your business needs training videos.

Message Consistency

Whether your business is introducing new staff or conducting a refresher training course for current employees, utilizing a training video is the most secure way the same message is received in the same way by all the employees. Even in the case of circulating new information, videos serve as proof and documentation that these new standards were introduced to all the employees while keeping consistency.

Reduce Costs

Instructor-based training is time-consuming and wastes a lot of money and resources spent on travel instead of delivering the training. With video, you’ll save all of those expenses. You don’t need to pay anyone to deliver your employee training and there’s no need for your employees to travel either. They can watch training and development videos from wherever you want.

In addition to those cost-saving benefits, another benefit of using training videos to develop your team, is that you pay a one-time cost for a source and you will use it to make your videos for a long time. You can either pay another company to manage the production of your video or, if you have the necessary staff and resources, you can make your own training videos.

Improves Retention of Information

Video is proven to be more memorable than other training materials. According to a studio made by the SAVO Group, the average employee will forget  65% of the material covered after a week, and after 6 months the number rises to 90%.

Presentations that include video are 9% more effective than text alone if the audience comprehension of said presentation is tested immediately. More importantly, if those tests are delayed, the difference in comprehension between text-based presentations and video-based presentations increases to a massive 83%. Meaning that video not only gives your training content a boost from the get-go, it also improves your employee’s ability to retain the information you presented them longer.


One benefit we haven’t mentioned yet is the flexibility that comes with training videos. You can make one for anything your company desires and you can add more videos or change the ones you have when they no longer suit your needs.

If you need to introduce a new service, video can handle it. Demonstrating how a new software works, improving customer service, introducing and training new employees for your business. All of it can be done by training videos and there are many different styles and a variety of ways you can get your message across. Making them a perfect opportunity to improve your company culture.

After a while, you’ll have a big library of training videos that your employees can go to anytime they need to.