How to Choose the Right On Hold Music for your Business

24 November , 2019 by Rashida Saeed
on hold music recording

It’s essential to look for different ways to improve your business in every way. By doing this, you can increase your businesses’ popularity and attract customers. However, there is a very important and common aspect that most companies overlook: calls. That’s right, the calls. Many clients prefer to communicate with companies via phone for many different reasons. Regardless of what those are, there is something that always happens: customers are left on hold. This period of time is essential to win or lose a customer, and most of the time no attention is paid to this detail. Therefore in this article, we’ll share with you the best ways to choose on-hold music for this very fundamental period of time:

Why Choose On-Hold Music?

Simple, just like everyone who is also a customer on many occasions, they don’t like to wait. This is inevitable because 70% of calls are put on hold. On the other hand, anything is better than silence, and it turns out that music is the best choice. This way customers stay distracted while they wait. In the same sense, they’re also less likely to hang up during the call. It’s important to note that this is not a long-term solution. You’re not going to leave a customer waiting for eternity.

Music Has an Influence on the Customers’ Mood

What a business always seeks is to satisfy and retain its customers. This applies to everyone, especially those who make calls. It’s for this reason that music has to matter to you. It’s not the same experience to be waiting on line in silence than with fun background music. The good thing is that today you can choose music even more naturally. This means choosing music  according to the region you’re located in and even the mood you wish to convey. It’s just a matter of paying close attention to this aspect that keeps your customers on the line.

Keep It Fresh

There will always be regular customers, and therefore they will call regularly as well. For this reason, you must always update the music. Remember that no customer wants to hear the same thing over and over again. Therefore changing the music every month will be a welcomed change by those who call regularly. It will even help your company keep up with trends and with your customers.

Choose Music According to the Purpose of the Client

Taking care of your business is important, but taking care of your customers is even more important. This is why you must constantly think about what your customers want. Are they calling to make a purchase? Play energetic music. If they’re calling to solve a technical problem, it’s best to put on relaxing music to calm them down. Everything is about adapting to each situation.

Those are the key factors you should consider when choosing on-hold music for calls. Remember that customers are the key to your business. Therefore you should always think about taking care of them in all aspects. If done successfully, the growth of your business should only be a matter of time.