What Goes Into Professionally Produced Custom On-Hold Messages

10 March , 2023 by Rashida Saeed

How does your company handle calls that are on hold? If you’ve ever called a company and have been put on hold, you know how the way that the company handled you made all the difference! Was the music too irritating? Did anyone even bother to record a message to keep your nerves down? 

Or were you just placed in a corner with a boring tune, not knowing if you’re the first or last in line?

Here at Studio52, we take every client and customer seriously, and it’s high time you do too! So today, we are here to share what goes into a professional on-hold message. But let’s see some numbers first. 


Customers On Hold Are an Opportunity! 

Customers on hold already are here to talk to you for one reason or another and professionally produced messages can deepen the relationship. You should use the fact that people are already here for you to share other kinds of marketing-related messages to get them even more intrigued! 

A recent AT&T Study says that more than 70% of business calls are placed on hold for an average of 45 seconds per call! 60% of the callers placed on hold hang up, and 30% of those that hang up never call back. It’s your duty not to have this massive call base disappointed! Think about the profit that lies behind these numbers. 

Studio52 has been helping brands achieve this for quite some time now, and we know just how far saying more than just a simple “thank you for being here” can go. Not being generic can go the distance and more than just keep the people in the waiting room chilled! Let’s see what goes into a perfectly custom-produced professional on-hold message. 

Audience Research

Your on-hold message begins with research into your target audience. You can be sure that the people ringing your phone are the ideal buyers, as they likely are, so the research is that much easier to do! Try to define all the small things that you can. Try to define: 

  • Their age
  • Their income
  • Their personal preferences
  • The stuff they read
  • The stuff they like to watch
  • What makes them “tick”
  • And everything else you can

Getting meticulous about all of these will help you craft that perfect message that will resonate with them! Here at Studio52, we dedicate special care to this step, as the rest will be that much easier to create and make. 

Practice Makes Perfect

After you have audience research done to perfection, you likely have that ideal person you’re going to talk to! Time to engage a copywriter and create that perfect script for your on-hold message. Will you offer something? Will you thank them, and let them know where in the line are they? Will you offer something else? Will you do all of this? 

Play with ideas and create a journey for your on-hold caller! Make them enjoy the wait, instead of counting the seconds to end the call. Here at Studio52, we hire only the best copywriters that know how to craft the ideal words for your message and get people to react. 

Once you have the script nailed, time to put your voice to practice and craft the actual on-hold message. 

A professional Environment Is A Must

Creating a script is one thing, but using it is another. You shouldn’t sound robotic, therefore you don’t want to read off a script. You should practice every sentence until it comes naturally to you. Hiring a professional voice-over artist is a must here as listeners are very good at spotting those subtleties. 

Record your message in a professional, isolated, and quiet environment. Use a high-quality microphone and equipment — ones that give you the best options for sound adjustments and compression! 


Custom on-hold messages are a great way to convert those callers, and you should always look to hire a professional service for this! Considering how much effort goes into this, you should always look to get the best for your money, and Studio52 is here to provide the best of both worlds! 

Try us out and see why we are an agency of choice for hundreds of clients from the UK to the Middle East!