4 Reasons why videos are a surefire success for your manufacturing business

11 October , 2021 by Rashida Saeed
4 Reasons why videos are a surefire success for your manufacturing business

Content marketing strategies allow for creating various types of content that would enable businesses to reach their customers at multiple stages of the customer journey. It extends from offering blogs, white papers, infographics, case studies, checklists, calculators, and other forms of content that help garner new leads and establish you as a thought leader in your business space. Developing new and fresh content will improve your SEO rankings, making it easier for searchers to find your business on the internet.

Check this video link on B-B Marketing videos and its impact on businesses

We will now highlight the various reasons why it makes great sense to create videos for your manufacturing business.

1. Your customers are always watching videos before purchase.

According to Hubspot,500 million hours of video are watched daily on YouTube. Here are some other statistics:

-95% of the marketing message reaches the customer when a viewer watches a video, compared to only 10% when reading text

-68% of people like to learn about a product or service through video

-65% of business executives visit the companies website after viewing a video, and finally,

-39% of executives call a vendor after viewing a video

Check this link to understand how animation explainer videos help build brand awareness for your business

We recommend keeping videos short, around two minutes for YouTube and a minute or less for Facebook and Instagram. AlthoughIts challenging to hold the attention of users because they are watching a lot of videos. 

2. It is always easy to share videos. 

Videos consistently outperform text on social media channels, and it’s ideal for sharing on platforms like Facebook, Linkedin and YouTube. A recent Hubspot study reveals that video is shared 40 times more on social media than any other form of content. The reason is the average human processes visuals faster than text.

The followers who share your videos on social media can provide a severe thrust to your marketing efforts-they introduce you to new prospects and increase overall brand awareness.

The video format is also better for communicating your brand personality and is a versatile platform for sharing frequently asked questions and product information and capabilities.

Check this video link 

The video promotes a production process and how workers skillfully handle it giving you a glimpse into the DNA of this industrial process.

3. Videos increase sales

A Wyzowl survey states that 77% of consumers reported videos convinced them to buy a product or service. There are several genres of videos like explainer, how-to video, or the demo video, which assist in different buying journey stages, from general top-of-the-funnel overviews to highly detailed bottom-of-the-funnel explanations.

Check this demo-video link to find out how it enhances a Company’s marketing message

Videos are helpful for your sales team too! They help easy tracking of who has viewed it, how long they have watched it, and whether they have seen certain sections of it more than once. It makes it easier to track return on investment for lead conversion. The sales team uses video marketing as a great internal resource for themselves. The videos are perfect for internal training and help them understand your company, products, and services more clearly.

4. Your competitors are also offering videos.

More and more B-B companies and manufacturing brands understand the benefits of video content, positioning them as modern knowledgeable, and technological brands. If videos do not comprise your content marketing strategy, you might be losing out on valuable leads for your business.

If you want to create such inspiring manufacturing videos for your business,

collaborate with us at Studio52 https://studio52.tv/video/corporate.

Schedule an expert consultation now.