9 On hold message ideas

10 September , 2020 by Rashida Saeed
on hold message

We live in an era of extreme competition. For every business, customers have hundreds and millions of options. It is because technology and the use of the internet have turned this globe into a global village. In this era of tough competition, you van nit afford to leave your customer unattended even for a second. An engaging customer service revolves around customer’s psychology and understands it beyond the urge of mere buying intention. If you are also looking for ways to keep your customers engaged, this writing piece is for you. We will try to focus on the importance of on hold message service and will give your ideas to make your messages catchy and attractive.

On hold, messages need to be crafted after analysis. Even message on hold companies has come in the market, which deals in crafting these messages. But if you are scripting it yourself for your business, make sure that it is engaging. The wait is always painful, so a catchy message during the on hold time will make this wait less painful. Here are few ideas for scripting the on hold message.

  1. Who are you?

On-hold time is the best time to introduce you. Make sure you use this time most creatively. Tell your customers who you are and what products and services you deal with. Waiting time will seem lesser when someone is giving related information.

  1. How can they reach you 

Maybe your customer is reaching you the first time and does not know you much. If you own a physical store or outlet, give details. Mention the locations with facilities available. Cash this on hold time to extend your network.

  1. Market your product

The best time to market your product is when your customer is on call. Maybe he doesn’t know about the variety of products you offer or the diversity in your services. An on hold message telling about the products is like a free package for your marketing needs. Message on hold companies are flourishing as they help you script a message which appealingly tells about your products.

Market the products in an informative way. Customers usually switch off when they feel the intention of a hard sell.

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  1. Give them reassurance

Utilizing the on hold time is crucial, and informing the customers about the reassurance and warranty offers is a creative way to use this time. Mention if your products come with warranties. Encourage them to try the products at the outlets. If you have any experts at your outlets, speak the details so that the customer feels encouraged with a business that reassures the concerns of a customer.

  1. Promote your offers 

What else you will need to promote your offers. An on hold customer is like a customer at your doorstep. The better he is served, the greater is the chance to purchase your service. List down the most attractive offers of your company and script down in a catchy way. Narrate it during the on hold time. You will need to update the on hold message with every new promotional offer so that the latest offers and promotions reach the customers on time.

  1. Boast off your market position

If your company has earned major market awards and certificates worth mentioning, then on hold time is the best time to say. Make a message which highlights all these certificates and awards. It will increase the trust, and the customer will explore more about your products and services. A well-communicated market position will ensure a larger segment of loyal and satisfied customers. On hold, time will turn into an opportunity for the customer and your business.

  1. Thank them for connecting

Thankfulness is always acknowledged. Learn your customer’s psychology and thank them in the on hold message. Thanking customers for holding comes under the basic manners domain but never does it excessively. Mix the thank you message intermittently with particular messages about your business and your special service. The key is to keep the customer engaged while your representatives get free from other customers on call. As thanking may not take much time, so if you have long on hold time, try to mix it professionally with other related messages.

  1. Tell them your social media existence.

Social media is a new connection between business and customers. If you have social media existence on any platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, speak it during the on hold time. The customers who are more comfortable connecting at social media platforms will find new ways of reaching you. If the customer drops the call by any chance, there will be a chance that he will contact you through social media. The modern-day business is mostly run through social media so a good message during the hold time will increase the opportunities of unwinding the hidden business opportunities.

  1. Give them support options

On hold, time is the best time to let your customer know about your support channels. It is the best way to make them realize that you care for them, and you have made the most useful supporting channels. You may have all the help available on your website, but the customer may not be aware of it. Even longer on hold, time will not appear frustrating when you inform the customer about the supporting channels. It sends a signal of care and respect to the caller.

On hold, message service can turn out to be a turning point for your business, and it has the potential to earn you a competitive advantage. The key is to script your message to turn the waiting time into some useful event. Human psychology always negates waiting time, so the trick is to make the customer feel like it is not waiting but a way to gather helpful information. The more relatable the information is, the better impression it will put on your customer. The chances of customer retention and follow up will be enhanced. A happy customer will surely bring you more business and greater customer loyalty.