Guidelines To Create a Perfect Promo Video for Your Business or Company

11 April , 2023 by Rashida Saeed
business video

Promo videos are a buzzword on the internet, but what do they really mean? How can your business benefit from them and how to make them perfect every time?

Here at Studio52, we create promo videos on a daily basis for a range of clients from all over the globe, and today we’re sharing the most important notes on promo videos and how to make them work for you!

What Is A Promo Video?

To put it plainly, a promo video is video content that is used to quickly and efficiently promote a special event, marketing initiative, or sales event. Promo videos always have a few things in common — the ability to tease the audience and grab attention!

The job of a promo video isn’t to get sales but to tease the viewer to make them want to find out more. And that’s the beauty of it.

These videos are perfect tools to attract new traffic to your site, engage your existing audience, and share new things about your brand or the next big thing!

Studies have shown that offering small teasers to people makes them more excited and hyped about the oncoming product or service. They are a fun way to catch attention, share information and help your audience remember you in a unique way. And this is exactly why you should use them.

But how to make them work? Well, that’s a question that has a slightly complicated answer as several factors will make or break your next promo video campaign,

video for business

How To Make It Great

1.   Scripting

The first thing you should always start with is imagining and envisioning the concepts you’d like to share. No better way to put it on paper than in form of a script. A great script will make your job that much easier. But since your promo videos are generally simple, it’s best to keep your scripts simple too!

Thirty seconds or even less are ideal for promo videos, with not too many of them going for over a minute, and your script should follow this principle. Grab attention, tell the info, and leave them wanting more!

2.   Storyboarding

The same thing applies when storyboarding your video. Promo videos are often a mix of live action and graphics and this is where you need to meticulously plan all these elements and combine them together. This is what will be going to help execute the production with ease.

3.   Production

Only now we can enter the very step that makes your video a video, and that’s production. This is all about your location, the actors, the equipment, and combining all of these to make a beautiful short video! 

4.   Assembling edits

Now that you have all the building blocks in place, time to assemble your video. This one is also referred to as a post-production part of the promo video journey. Other than cutting your video, this is where you’ll add all the interesting graphics, visualizations, and all you need to keep your audience hooked and wanting to find out more.

5.   Promotion

Now that you have everything ready, it’s time to promote the heck out of your video! And for this, you’d want to use all of your available channels.

Leave no audience disengaged and promote the video on social outlets, and email messages, use paid ads, and promote it on your website’s landing pages. This won’t only get you new followers and make the people talk, but will show unison of all your channels so your video cannot be called a fluke!

Seems fair and easy enough, right? Well, if you’re using professional service to create these!

That’s why we have some additional tips for you.

professional service for businessAdditional tips:

Think Tease

Never bore your viewers by taking a too deep a dive into the topic. You want to tease your public, grab their attention, highlight a specific event, and do it in as catchy as possible manner!

Keep Focus

If your promo video is used to highlight a specific thing, then you should only be focused on mentioning this specific event or sale. Don’t unnecessarily waste the audience’s time by telling more about something completely unrelated!

Graphics Are Important

A visual call to action or any other relevant info that you’ve left unsaid will go a long way! You should use titles and graphics to help people focus on everything that you want them to remember, such as a specific date, a coupon, a price or anything highly relevant.

Go With Multiple Versions

Never use only a single version of your promo video for all your channels. Create a number of different versions for the same thing, just so you don’t get too repetitive and boring to the viewers.


Need help creating your next big promotional video? Promo videos can help you rake in big earnings, get you a great boost of new traffic and completely sell your event. Don’t let this awesome tool to chance and go with a professional service that will make it perfect.

Trust that the team at Studio52 will get it made for you!