Get more bookings with video marketing

24 April , 2019 by Rashida Saeed
video marketing

Hotel video marketing is a rising trend. It’s a great way to present what makes your hotel special, giving viewers a glimpse of the experience they are looking for. There is also a high demand for video content on the internet, 78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day (HubSpot). Hosting video content on your home page will give you better search rankings. There are just too many advantages.

“People planning on travelling watch video during all phases of this decision-making process, so it is a perfect medium to reach a large number of prospective guests throughout the sales funnel. – GuestRevu”

Video content is particularly important for travelers. The ability to preview the experiences ahead is invaluable. We’ve all watched movies where people book a room, to then discover the descriptions were shamelessly exaggerated. Lack of information is the main reasons clients hesitate. Transmitting the full experience of your hotel in writing is almost impossible. Especially when you consider the language barriers. Now, displaying the experience in a video is much easier, and universally understood.

The reasons why video content will get you more bookings are clear. You just need to use the right videos. The competition is fierce, 81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool (Hubspot). It will be easier than you might think, there is enough demand for the format to go around. You can get great performance out of your video content by following both of the following concepts.

Tell a story with your video

You don’t need a huge budget to produce the perfect video. A study published by The Entrepreneur confirmed that telling a story is more important. People will feel more connected with your brand, and the video will do more than share the intended message. It will also display your hotel’s culture, beauty is in the details.

A larger production budget doesn’t necessarily mean better results. You can learn more about why in our article “4 reasons why you should tell a story with your videos

Get your video out there

Another important thing you need to do in order to get ahead of the competition is distributing your videos. You might think that buying ad space will be enough. Ads are great, we don’t want to imply they’re not important. However, there are many other ways to get exposure for your content. If you want to get the most out of your video content you should have a distribution strategy.

You should publish the video in your client’s favorite channels, share it on social media, use proper targeting, anything you can to give it an edge over the competition. You can find more details about expanding the reach of your video content here.

Of course, there is more to making a successful video. Permits, recording equipment, professional editing, and much more. But don’t worry, you can leave those parts to us. If you’re looking for a video production company with the experience to create the perfect video for your hotel, you’re in luck.

Schedule a free consultation, CALL NOW +971-4-454-1054.