5 Beginner Mistakes to Avoid in Time-lapse Photography

05 November , 2021 by Rashida Saeed
time lapse photography

Timelapse is very important. Since a few years ago, it’s one of the most used techniques in photography. If you have not done it yet, you might know someone who has. Maybe someone that plays with this technique in his or her spare time. Now, before getting started, you must know a few important things.

There are many common beginner mistakes that can be costly when you’re creating time-lapses. You could make some atrocious mistakes in the heat of the moment. Mistakes that you notice once you check the material you have captured. Your goal after reading this article is to try to avoid them at all costs. Ready? Let’s begin, then!

  1. Picking the wrong place

Meteorologist, fortune teller, editor, leveler, loading waiter. A time-lapse photographer plays multiple roles. Keep in mind that you will need to carry the necessary material to achieve the goal wanted. Plus be aware of changes that can occur, like time and circumstance. Don’t make the common mistake of leaving the equipment in a place where people can ruin your recording. You must leave everything in the ideal place depending on what you are going to do.

  1. Not protecting the lens

Sunsets and sunrises are phenomena that cause more success for time-lapse photographers. But they are not safe from danger… the cameras, that is. You will spend plenty of time outdoors and it’s more than likely that humidity will ruin the lens. Especially if you keep your camera in the car where it’s really hot. If you immediately go to a cold place, it might tarnish the lens permanently. You can and should avoid this with anti-fogging lens protector. Always remember to take care of your equipment.

  1. Get distracted and neglect the camera

No one likes to be sitting and doing nothing while the camera does your work. Many prefer to accompany the long wait with a good book. It’s not bad, but if you plan to do it, make sure to not be careless with your camera. That way you avoid any setbacks, like running out of battery.

  1. Not levelling the tripod

Pay attention to details when you’re making the timelapse. One of the worst timelapse photography mistakes is to prepare everything carefully and forget to level the tripod. The camera stand is one of the most important elements to create great time-lapses. If you level your images in different ways, your work is going to look unprofessional. Plus you’ll have to start over. Always remember to level the tripod.

  1. Thinking you have everything you need

A very common mistake is to think that with an hour of work, a good time-lapse will be achieved. You can accelerate a clip if it’s too long, but it will not be possible to reduce the speed without degradation. To get more film, you will have to either shorten the range of camera shots or stay longer in the open. The job well done depends on a simple choice. You are the one who must decide what to do.

To mastering timelapse photography, practice is everything. Now you know the many mistakes you should avoid. So take everything you need, from your camera to something to eat, and be patient. The practice is the only way you will learn. Here at Studio 52, we will wait for you to show us your results!