Posts Tagged ‘audio production’

8 Audio Production Trends that Dominated 2024


Every day, we encounter a new development in production technology. With 2023 ending, we can highlight some of the biggest trends that dominated audio production and will continue to dominate in 2024. These include the professional production practices we’ve seen throughout the year. We have noticed an increase in global streaming platforms such as Spotify,…

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Audio Voiceover in Arabic and other foreign languages

Audio Voiceover in Arabic and other foreign languages

The Arabic language is the fifth most spoken language spoken by more than 310 million people in the world. Muslims around the globe, as well as followers of the Islam religion, understand this language. Not only that, Arabic is the official language of 22 countries and is the official language of the Middle East and Northern…

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Managing Fraud and Friction with IVR systems

Managing fraud and friction with IVR systems

One of the banes to digital technology adoption in the retail banking sector is fraud. We are all aware of the growing trends of hacking and how people risk losing their money. Banks have taken several security measures to make our accounts digital safe and immune to hackers’ attacks. Many technologies up gradation and integration…

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Giving Voice to Your Business Ambitions

Giving Voice to Your Business Ambitions

إعطاء صوت لطموحات عملك The voice over services that companies choose to drive their messages home play a crucial role in brand recall, information retention, and how their content connects with their target audience on an emotional level. With consumers spending more time indoors, consumption behavior is shifting. There has been a major uptick in…

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A decade of experience on Audio Recording

audio recording services

Studio52 has been supporting enterprises with Audio production services for years. Our main verticals are On Hold messages, IVR (Interactive Voice Recording), and even Multi-language Dubbing. Audio technology has evolved a lot over this past decade and we feel the responsibility to share with you some of what we’ve learned. In this article, we’ll cover…

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Benefits of Audio Marketing Techniques for Business growth

audio production

In spite of the tremendous appeal, video production isn’t the only medium obtaining significant attention this year; major brand names are also finding creative methods to work audio right into their marketing mix. Like video, audio production isn’t really by any means brand-new. Podcasts, for instance, have been around for a long time. Here we…

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Here’s What Industry Insiders Say About Electing An Audio Platform For Business Enhancement

on hold message recording

Setting up your telephone system for the organization’s call flow, includes creating company greetings, voice promptsand on-hold messages for your valued customers. IVR is the automated technology or system that interacts with callers and directs them to proceed further with their query. A company providing Interactive Voice Response System assists clients and customers to evaluate their IVR…

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IVR Services

With your business increase, your customer can be routed through an automated system called IVR, where they can choose the service they are looking for and guided through various pre-recorded voice prompts. This will increase your customer’s ease and will maintain business goals. When a prospective customer calls your company regarding an inquiry or information,…

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The Quality Voice Over Production Creates Quality Results!!

Quality Voice Over Production

With the fast paced lifestyle and the digital world spreading like a cloud, is Original voice over services dead? Maybe not! Though the digital space rules the robotics and telecommunications, but our choices have remains original. noone would like to listen to their favourite brand TV commercial with a robotic voice? Of-course not, right? Thus,…

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